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Pre/Post Care Guidelines


Pre/Post Care Guidelines

PlasmaPen Aftercare

Please ensure you read and follow the advice provided. If you have any concerns after your treatment, if you do not understand any area of your aftercare, or if you have additional questions, contact your technician at BluePoint Medical Spa.

Immediately Following Your Treatment:
  • NO exercising after treatment because any heat, steam or sweat could add to the inflammation that’s already present.
  • Only use recommended products 2x per day during the first 5-7-days of the healing process (morning and evening).
  • You may experience a mild tingling or stinging sensation with application of recommended product, and this will subside within a very short time.
  • Do not wear makeup in the treated area during the first 5-7-days of the healing process because the application and/or removal of makeup could prematurely disrupt the scabs before they are ready to flake off.
  • Leave the scab to continually dry out naturally with the recommended product otherwise the healing process will take longer and increase the chance of scarring.
  • Swelling and inflammation for 1 to 5 days post-treatment is normal. If swelling lasts beyond the 5 days, contact us ASAP.
  • Do not apply cold packs or ice packs during the swelling period. Icing will diminish the outcome and inhibit the inflammation process that we want to happen naturally.
  • Areas that has been treated must NOT be covered with bandages or occlusive dressing.
  • If you have received treatment to your eye area, it is important you sleep slightly elevated for up to 7 days to reduce swelling.
  • It is highly unlikely you will ever get an infection from a Plasma Pen treatment as the wound we cause is not open. However, the first 12 hours post-treatment is of vital importance in protecting you from any kind of potential infection and avoid any activities where you could expose yourself to contaminants.
In the Following Days After Your Treatment:
  • It is normal for the area that has been treated to feel tight and dry.
  • Tiny crusts will quickly form on the treated area. These may be visible for up to a week.
  • Do NOT pick crusts off as this will delay the healing process and could cause scarring.
  • The treated area may be cleansed daily with lukewarm water and a soft, lint free cloth. You are only removing excess oil and do not need to thoroughly cleanse the treated skin. Pat dry with a clean tissue.
  • DO NOT stand with your face under a hot shower or direct hot water from shower head for the first 3 to 4 days. This could increase swelling. Try to avoid shower gels or hair products running on to your face as this could cause irritation. Rinse thoroughly with tepid water if products do come into contact with the treatment area and gently pat dry.
  • Absolutely do NOT use any lotions or creams that contain perfume, alcohol or acids for 2 weeks. Do NOT rub or abrade the area(s) or use exfoliating products or rubbing alcohol. This could result in scarring and/or dyspigmentation.
  • Shaving the area treated should be avoided until it is fully healed.
  • If you have had treatment around your eyes, you should avoid wearing contact lenses for 72 hours after your treatment.
  • When the crusts have fallen off your skin may be a little pink as it is fresh, new and rejuvenated. This pinkness will fade within 2 weeks. In rare cases it may take up to 6 months.
  • Once the crusts have all fallen off you may apply your normal foundation/make-up but avoid using skincare products containing glycolic, retinoid or any other active exfoliating ingredients for 2 weeks as this will cause irritation.
  • SPF 40 should be used whether you are outside, in and out of your vehicle or driving as well as if you are staying indoors. Even indoor lighting can cause risk of dyspigmentation of new healing skin.
  • You absolutely must NOT use saunas or sunbeds during your 12-week healing period.

Laser Hair Removal Aftercare

Please ensure you read and follow the advice provided. If you have any concerns after your treatment, if you do not understand any area of your aftercare, or if you have additional questions, contact your technician at BluePoint Medical Spa.
Use aloe during the first day to help relieve redness and sensitivity. As expected, your skin may feel a bit itchy and irritated for about 24 hours after your laser hair removal. This is normal. An aloe gel or lotion, or hydrocortisone cream can help your skin settle down. Remember that if irritation persists beyond 24 hours, you should put in a call to your laser hair removal specialist; it’s most likely that nothing is wrong, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Skin Care: Don’t Forget Sunscreen

Don’t skip out on or skimp on the sunscreen. We know; sunscreen can be a pain, but it’s not as painful as a sunburn on freshly lasered skin will be! Slather on enough so that you are well-protected. As a side benefit, using ample amounts of sunscreen will help to keep your skin as light as possible, which will make your next laser hair removal treatment as effective as possible. Avoid excess heat from the sun, tanning beds, saunas, hot tubs or hot baths and showers for 72 after your laser hair removal treatment. This extra heat following your treatment can result in an overtreatment of the area which can lead to adverse reactions.

Shedding Hair

Gently exfoliate. During the next two or three weeks, you’ll start to notice what looks like blackheads cropping up or hair growing back on the area that was just lasered. Don’t panic; this is normal! It’s just the hair shedding, and once it’s gone, it’s gone forever. Starting 48-72 hours after your laser hair removal treatment, start exfoliating. Use a washcloth, puffy shower sponge, a loofah or an exfoliating shower wash to help the process along. Don’t use anything very rough, like a gritty salt scrub though, because it is too rough, remember that your skin is still sensitive.

Can I Shave After My First Laser Hair Removal?

Put away the tweezers. Don’t even think about plucking new hair growth. You can go ahead and shave, trim or use a chemical depilatory, but no tweezing, waxing or threading that will remove the hair from its shaft. What that means is that the laser won’t be able to do its job in eliminating those hairs during the next treatment. Stop using the Nair or other depilatory at least two days before your next treatment.

Medical Status Before & After Laser Treatment

Let other healthcare providers know about your laser hair removal, and let your laser hair removal specialist know about any other medications or treatments you are on. This is to prevent any complications; if you are on certain antibiotics or other medications, you might need to postpone your next hair removal treatment. We will ask you about your health history each time you visit, so be sure to have a list of any new medications that you are on when you come.

Questions about Laser Hair Removal

Last but not least, the most important laser hair removal aftercare tip is to call your specialist with any questions or concerns. We are here for you during regular office hours for all questions, as well as in the evening and on the weekends if you have a serious concern that can’t wait. There are no silly questions! If you are concerned about any facet of your health or your laser hair removal treatment, then you should be on the phone calling us.

Ultherapy Aftercare

Please ensure you read and follow the advice provided. If you have any concerns after your treatment, if you do not understand any area of your aftercare, or if you have additional questions, contact your technician at BluePoint Medical Spa.

Before Your Treatment

The first thing you will want to do is schedule a one-on-one consultation with an Ultherapy provider. During this session, your practitioner will address your concerns, assess your skin and determine if you are a candidate for the treatment.

Once you book your Ultherapy® procedure, you won’t need to follow any special preparations or skincare regimens in advance of the treatment.

To enhance your comfort, you may take an over-the-counter or prescribed medication before the treatment.

After Your Treatment

With Ultherapy, there is no downtime! You can return to your normal activities immediately after your procedure without any post-treatment restrictions or requirements.

Your skin might appear flushed at first, but the redness should disappear within a few hours. Some patients experience slight swelling, tingling or tenderness to the touch, but these are mild and temporary in nature.

Other, less common post-procedural effects may include temporary bruising or numbness on small areas of skin. As with any medical procedure, there is the possibility for other rare effects, which your practitioner will review with you.

Fractional RF Skin Resurfacing Aftercare

Please ensure you read and follow the advice provided. If you have any concerns after your treatment, if you do not understand any area of your aftercare, or if you have additional questions, contact your technician at BluePoint Medical Spa.
The treatment you have selected is Venus Viva™ Fractional RF. The goals of this procedure are dermatological procedures requiring ablation and resurfacing, resulting in softening of the fine-moderate wrinkles of the face, neck or hands, acne scars and textural irregularities. Venus Viva™ Fractional RF is usually performed as an outpatient procedure, using topical anesthetic.
The healing time for any given treatment varies between different clients. The following represents the general recovery phases you might expect. Individual clients may experience variations from this course.
Swelling of your wrinkles occurs immediately. Significant swelling and redness of the treated areas and untreated parts may occur following your procedure, and will be maximal at 24 – 48 hours. To minimize swelling, keep your head elevated. It is not uncommon for clients to experience under-eye swelling for the first 1 to 2 days, but this swelling will subside. There will be redness and slight heat emanating from the treated area for the first 24 hours, akin to a mild sunburn. It is unusual to experience severe or excessive pain; you should notify us if this occurs. Tiny scabs will usually be formed 24 – 72 hours post-treatment, and may remain for several days. The scabs should not be touched or scratched even if they itch, and should be allowed to shed off naturally.
Some mild discomfort may occasionally follow resurfacing treatment. You may return to regular activities immediately. It is advised that you avoid hot baths, saunas, Jacuzzis, and pools for the first two days following treatment, as the bacteria common to these sites can affect the skin post-resurfacing and cause an infection. Some minor heat emanating from the treated area is normal, but please do not apply ice or cooling compresses, as that heat is the body’s natural healing response.
Post-treatment care, including applying of moisturizers or supporting creams on the treated skin, is at the Physician’s discretion.
After 24 hours, most resurfacing clients are ready for makeup to hide the pinkness of the skin. If applied, it is important that you remove all makeup from the skin at night. Do not sleep with make up on the treated area.
Avoiding the Sun:
Avoiding direct sun should become a permanent component of your long-term skin care program. Always use an SPF 30 or greater beginning 24 – 48 hours after the skin has fully healed. Sun exposure, tanning beds, and artificial sunless tanning lotions are not allowed in the treated areas during the course of the treatment and healing.

IPL, KTP Aftercare

Please ensure you read and follow the advice provided. If you have any concerns after your treatment, if you do not understand any area of your aftercare, or if you have additional questions, contact your technician at BluePoint Medical Spa.
  • You will experience redness and bruising from five to fourteen days after the treatment. Avoid direct sun exposure and tanning beds for 1-2 months and throughout the course of the treatment to reduce the chance of dark or light spots. Use sunscreen SPF 25 or higher at all times throughout the treatment when going outside.
  • Immediately after the treatments, apply an ice pack, as there may be mild swelling. It is normal for the treated area to feel like sunburn for a few hours. You should use a cold compress if needed. Avoid any trauma to the skin for up to 2-5 days, such as bathing with very hot water, strenuous exercise, or massage.
  • You may shower after the laser treatments in tepid water. The treated area may be washed gently with a mild soap. Skin should be patted dry and NOT rubbed.
  • Makeup may be used after the treatment has quit swelling unless there is epidermal bleeding. It is recommended to use new makeup to reduce the possibility of infection. Keep the area moist. Any moisturizer without alpha-hydroxy acids will work.
  • Avoid picking or scratching the treated skin to achieve your best results. If any crusting, apply antibiotic cream.
  • Avoid tweezing, waxing, bleaching or chemical peels during the course of the treatment. Do not use any irritants such as Retin-A, Benzoyl Peroxide or astringents.

Facial and Low-Grade Peel Aftercare

Please ensure you read and follow the advice provided. If you have any concerns after your treatment, if you do not understand any area of your aftercare, or if you have additional questions, contact your technician at BluePoint Medical Spa.
  • Temporary slight swelling and redness (especially with extractions) which usually dissipates within 24 to 72 hours depending on skin sensitivity.
  • There is no guarantee that dark discoloration of skin will be reduced or fade. Pigmentation may improve with successive treatments, proper skin care and sun block.
  • Do not use Retin_A®, Renova®, abrasive or exfoliating sponges, glycolic, beta, or alcohol containing solutions for 24 hours.
  • Always protect your skin with a sun block SPF 30 every morning before going outdoors to avoid sunburn, skin damage and hyper pigmentation.
  • To avoid dilation of blood vessels, which decreases the effectiveness of the treatment, avoid hot tubs, hot showers, and exercise for the next 24 hours.

Chemical Peel Aftercare

Please ensure you read and follow the advice provided. If you have any concerns after your treatment, if you do not understand any area of your aftercare, or if you have additional questions, contact your technician at BluePoint Medical Spa.
  • Redness, stinging, itching, mild swelling, flaking and peeling are all normal signs after a peel and vary based on patient response.
  • Do NOT pick or remove the skin as this could lead to scarring and/or pigmentary changes.
  • The skin will generally start peeling 2-3 days after treatment, you may peel up to 5 days, in rare cases longer.
  • Avoid direct sun exposure for 7-10 days following the peel. Sunscreen may be applied after the skin has completely healed.
  • Do not use alpha hydroxy acids, beta hydroxy acids, benzoyl peroxide, retinoids or other vitamin A compounds or any irritating products until the skin is healed.
  • Do not exfoliate using a cleansing brush or any facial scrubs or acid based products for 2 weeks.
  • Avoid procedures such as hair removal, microdermabrasion and laser treatment in the treated area until the skin is completely healed.
  • Keep skin well hydrated by drinking at least three 8-ounce glasses of water per day, and moisturize both day and night. Reapply throughout the day as often as needed. Your skin should never be so dry that it is cracking or sore.

Wax Aftercare

Please ensure you read and follow the advice provided. If you have any concerns after your treatment, if you do not understand any area of your aftercare, or if you have additional questions, contact your technician at BluePoint Medical Spa.
  • You might experience temporary irritation, tightness, redness or slight swelling of the treatment area which usually dissipates within 24 to 72 hours depending on skin sensitivity.
  • Be sure to apply sunscreen SPF 30 or higher since you will be more susceptible to sunburn, skin damage and hyper pigmentation.
  • Avoid the use of Retin-A and or glycolic type products for a period of time recommended by my medical or skincare professional following the treatment.

Filler Aftercare

Please ensure you read and follow the advice provided. If you have any concerns after your treatment, if you do not understand any area of your aftercare, or if you have additional questions, contact your technician at BluePoint Medical Spa.
  • Avoid significant movement or massage of the treated area. Unless instructed by the provider.
  • Avoid strenuous exercise for 24 hours.
  • Avoid extensive sun or heat for 72 hours.
  • Avoid consuming excess amounts of alcohol or salts to avoid excess swelling.
  • If you have swelling you may apply a cool compress for 15 minutes each hour.
  • Use Tylenol for discomfort.
  • Try to sleep face up and slightly elevated if you experience swelling.

Toxins Aftercare

Please ensure you read and follow the advice provided. If you have any concerns after your treatment, if you do not understand any area of your aftercare, or if you have additional questions, contact your technician at BluePoint Medical Spa.
  • Avoid Aspirin, Motrin, Gingko Biloba, Garlic, Flax Oil, Cod Liver Oil, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, or any other essential fatty acids at least 3 days to 1 week after treatment. These items may increase bleeding and bruising.
  • Avoid alcohol, caffeine, Niacin supplement, high-sodium foods, high sugar foods, refined carbohydrates, spicy foods, and cigarettes 24-48 hours after your treatment. These items may contribute to increased swelling or irritation.
  • Avoid the use of Retin-A or similar products (ex. Kinerase, Tazarac) 2 days after treatment to avoid increased irritation or redness.
  • Avoid cosmetic treatments such as laser, ultrasound, peels, facials or micro-dermabrasion for at least 1 week after treatment with Dysport® or Botox®.
  • Try to avoid wearing makeup until the day after treatment. Earlier use may cause pustules. If you must wear makeup we recommend a good quality mineral makeup for the face, such as Youngblood Mineral Cosmetics.
  • The treatment may take 2-10 days to take full effect. It is recommended that the touch-up, if needed, be done no later than 2 weeks after the initial treatment.

Kybella Aftercare

Please ensure you read and follow the advice provided. If you have any concerns after your treatment, if you do not understand any area of your aftercare, or if you have additional questions, contact your technician at BluePoint Medical Spa.
Normal occurrences after your treatment with Kybella include: Bruising, swelling, tenderness, aching, numbness and tingling. Area may appear uneven and feel “lumpy” as swelling resolves.

Initial numbness right after your treatment should only last approximately 30 minutes. When the numbing effect wears off, mild to moderate discomfort may be experienced. You may take Tylenol if needed, but most of the time it is not necessary.
  • Keep head elevated as much as possible for the first 24-48 hours after your treatment.
  • Ice may be used as much as needed for the first 24-48 hours after your treatment for 20-30 minutes at a time, 2-4 times per day.
  • Swelling can typically last 5-7 days, but residual minimal swelling can last up to 3-4 weeks. Cold compresses may be used to reduce initial swelling. Avoid salt in your diet during this time.
  • Avoid exercise or strenuous activity for 24 hours after your treatment.
  • Your next treatment can be done in 4 weeks. It may take 4-6 treatments to reach the desired endpoint.

Microneedle Afftercare

Please ensure you read and follow the advice provided. If you have any concerns after your treatment, if you do not understand any area of your aftercare, or if you have additional questions, contact your technician at BluePoint Medical Spa.
Following your treatment, you may experience, redness, petechiae (broken blood vessels that look like red dots), stinging, itching, swelling, warmth, tightness of skin, skin dryness, and minor skin flaking. These should all resolve within 4-5 days post-treatment.
  • Avoid direct sun exposure for 4-5 days post-treatment. You may apply sunscreen SPF 30 or higher.
  • Avoid strenuous exercise or movement for 24 hours.
  • Do not use alpha hydroxy acids, beta hydroxy acids, benzoyl peroxide, retinoids or other vitamin A compounds or any irritating products until the skin is healed.
  • Wait 24 to 48 hours before you apply face makeup to give your skin the necessary recovery time.
  • Stay hydrated before and after your procedure to help your skin heal and rejuvenate faster.

Permanent MakeUp Aftercare

Please ensure you read and follow the advice provided. If you have any concerns after your treatment, if you do not understand any area of your aftercare, or if you have additional questions, contact your technician at BluePoint Medical Spa.
The aftercare procedures are as important to the retention of the pigment as the actual implantation process. During this period, the primary objective is to allow the bonding process to be completely sealed inside the dermis. Your compliance will ensure that you receive maximum benefits from the procedure and reduce inconvenient follow-up visits. Judgment of your results should be deferred until three to four weeks following the final procedure.
  • Treatment area may be swollen and tender post procedure. This is normal and usually lasts 1-3 days.
  • If needed, over-the-counter Tylenol is recommended for temporary relief of pain. (avoid taking Aspirin or Ibuprofen as these can thin the blood).
  • No soap, cleanser or shampoo on the treated area for seven (7) days. Soap and cleansers are designed to remove any foreign substances and can disrupt bonding process required for the pigment to become permanent.
  • Abstain from any type of strenuous exercise for a minimum of 3 days.
  • Stay out of the sun. The sun can fade new color VERY QUICKLY.
  • Drink lots of water to keep the body hydrated.
  • Abstain from alcohol consumption for 2 days post treatment. This is to prevent dehydration and insure more rapid healing.
  • Apply Aftercare Ointment twice a day until the dark layer of pigment has sloughed off.
  • Make sure to get adequate sleep. (This is when healing happens and the body re-generates.)
  • DO NOT scratch or pick at pigment. This can cause scar tissue and pull pigment out.
  • Sleep on your back to keep pigment intact.
  • Use older pillowcases during healing time, just in case.
  • Keep away from environments where dust or dirt could get into pigmented area.

Honeycomb Laser

Expectations Following Treatment
Mild erythema (redness) will be present in the treatment area and can last from a few hours up to a few days. Treatment areas almost always become erythematous. Immediately following the procedure, patients will experience a mild sunburn sensation that may include some mild discomfort. Most patients do not feel any significant discomfort, however, an ice pack (not direct ice) maybe applied to help soothe areas with discomfort.

A cooling lotion or soothing gel may be used after Erbium Yag treatments.

It is important to protect your skin from environmental elements; therefore, a lotion with a SPF protection of at least 30 should be used daily.

A few days post procedure, patients will experience mild peeling of the skin. The peeling is similar to the effects of sunburn. Continue to follow the skin care regimen offered by your physician. Do not pick at the peeling skin, as it may lead to scarring.

General Skincare
Proper skin care is important to protect the new refreshed skin. Your physician will discuss a proper skincare regimen following your Erbium Yag treatment.

Clean the treated area daily with a mild cleanser. Apply a thin layer of mild moisturizer to the area several times a day until evidence of dryness, blistering or swelling has dissipated.

Shower as usual but be aware that the treated area may be a little temperature sensitive.

Avoid chlorine, hot tubs and swimming pools during the treatment program.

Avoid direct contact in the sun during your treatment program. Always use a topical sun protection of SPF 30.

Avoid the use of exfoliants, loofah sponges and aggressive scrubbing to the treated areas.
Avoid exposure to the sun and tanning beds for 30 days prior to the treatment.

Do not rub, scratch, or pick at the treated area. Treat the area gently. Pat skin dry after bathing or showering. An antibiotic ointment such as Bacitracin may be applied. Neosporin and Polysporin are not recommended.

Makeup may be applied over the treated area 24 hours after the treatment.

Avoid shaving the treated area for 48-hours after the procedure.

Carbon Laser

Expectations Following Treatment
Mild erythema (redness) will be present in the treatment area and can last from a few hours up to a few days. Treatment areas almost always become erythematous. Immediately following the procedure, patients will experience a mild sunburn sensation that may include some mild discomfort. Most patients do not feel any significant discomfort, however, an ice pack (not direct ice) maybe applied to help soothe areas with discomfort.

A cooling lotion or soothing gel may be used after Erbium Yag treatments.

It is important to protect your skin from environmental elements; therefore, a lotion with a SPF protection of at least 30 should be used daily.

A few days post procedure, patients will experience mild peeling of the skin. The peeling is similar to the effects of sunburn. Continue to follow the skin care regimen offered by your physician. Do not pick at the peeling skin, as it may lead to scarring.
General Skincare
Proper skin care is important to protect the new refreshed skin. Your physician will discuss a proper skincare regimen following your Erbium Yag treatment.

Clean the treated area daily with a mild cleanser. Apply a thin layer of mild moisturizer to the area several times a day until evidence of dryness, blistering or swelling has dissipated.

Shower as usual but be aware that the treated area may be a little temperature sensitive.

Avoid chlorine, hot tubs and swimming pools during the treatment program.

Avoid direct contact in the sun during your treatment program. Always use a topical sun protection of SPF 30.

Avoid the use of exfoliants, loofah sponges and aggressive scrubbing to the treated areas.
Avoid exposure to the sun and tanning beds for 30 days prior to the treatment.

Do not rub, scratch, or pick at the treated area. Treat the area gently. Pat skin dry after bathing or showering. An antibiotic ointment such as Bacitracin may be applied. Neosporin and Polysporin are not recommended.

Makeup may be applied over the treated area 24 hours after the treatment.

Avoid shaving the treated area for 48-hours after the procedure.

Deep Laser

Expectations Following Treatment
Mild erythema (redness) will be present in the treatment area and can last from a few hours up to a few days. Treatment areas almost always become erythematous. Immediately following the procedure, patients will experience a mild sunburn sensation that may include some mild discomfort. Most patients do not feel any significant discomfort, however, an ice pack (not direct ice) maybe applied to help soothe areas with discomfort.

A cooling lotion or soothing gel may be used after Erbium Yag treatments.

It is important to protect your skin from environmental elements; therefore, a lotion with a SPF protection of at least 30 should be used daily.

A few days post procedure, patients will experience mild peeling of the skin. The peeling is similar to the effects of sunburn. Continue to follow the skin care regimen offered by your physician. Do not pick at the peeling skin, as it may lead to scarring.
General Skincare
Proper skin care is important to protect the new refreshed skin. Your physician will discuss a proper skincare regimen following your Erbium Yag treatment.

Clean the treated area daily with a mild cleanser. Apply a thin layer of mild moisturizer to the area several times a day until evidence of dryness, blistering or swelling has dissipated.

Shower as usual but be aware that the treated area may be a little temperature sensitive.

Avoid chlorine, hot tubs and swimming pools during the treatment program.

Avoid direct contact in the sun during your treatment program. Always use a topical sun protection of SPF 30.

Avoid the use of exfoliants, loofah sponges and aggressive scrubbing to the treated areas.
Avoid exposure to the sun and tanning beds for 30 days prior to the treatment.

Do not rub, scratch, or pick at the treated area. Treat the area gently. Pat skin dry after bathing or showering. An antibiotic ointment such as Bacitracin may be applied. Neosporin and Polysporin are not recommended.

Makeup may be applied over the treated area 24 hours after the treatment.

Avoid shaving the treated area for 48-hours after the procedure.

Complimentary Consultation

Service(s) Needed
Phone: (702) 307-3330
Fax: (702) 869-6199
3320 N. Buffalo Dr., Suite 103
Las Vegas, NV 89129
Phone: (702) 307-3330
Fax: (702) 869-6199
3320 N. Buffalo Dr., Suite 103
Las Vegas, NV 89129